8 Types of Snake Plants Varieties to Grow Indoors

Types of snake plants are varied and they come in different sizes too. A snake-plant refers to a slow-growing and evergreen perennial plant which belongs to the Asparagus family. This plant is famous over the years as it requires low maintenance. It can grow well in low light and with less water.

Known by the iconic name “mother-in-law tongue”, this plant has vertical leaves with a thick texture that looks like the shape of a tongue. The characteristic of this plant is either clear yellow or green striped leaves. Aside from its unique look, people like to grow snake plants due to their ability to absorb toxic compounds.

8 Types of Snake Plants for Houseplants

If you are looking for the best plant to grow indoors, here are several varieties of snake plants that you can consider adding to your collection.

1.  Sansevieria trifasciata

Sansevieria trifasciata

Known as the original snake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata has been developed into other varieties and cultivars. The characteristic of this type is its sword-like leaves. Hence, people recognize it as St.George’s sword to be one of its plant names. It is since the plant grows upright from its creeping rhizome.

It survives in lower lights so it is suitable to put indoors although the plant will grow slower. Aside from preferring indirect light, it also enjoys temperatures from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit along with occasional watering. Doing so helps this variety to grow optimally up to eight feet tall.

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2.  Sansevieria bacularis

Sansevieria bacularis

As a native to Central Africa, Sansevieria bacularis have a quite different look from the majority types of snake plants. It looks unique with cylindrical vertical leaves along with the green marbling. People also know this variety by another name called Mikado.

Although its look is a bit different, Mikado is also a slow-growing type. It requires around ten years to grow into its optimum height but can be smaller when it grows indoors. It likes medium temperatures and medium light but can survive in shaded surroundings as well.

3.  Sansevieria laurentii

Sansevieria laurentii

Sansevieria laurentii belongs to the common types of snake plants due to its vertically growing blade-shaped leaves. Though, it grows slowly and can reach three feet or taller. The distinctive thing about this type is the green marbling and yellow edges on its leaves.

Able to tolerate shaded areas, this variety becomes one of the great options to place indoors. Moreover, it has been proved with the ability to purify the air. Hence, it helps your indoor space to be healthier. No need to worry because it grows well without requiring frequent watering and enjoys indirect light.

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4.  Sansevieria ‘Moonshine’

Sansevieria ‘Moonshine’

Sansevieria ‘Moonshine’ also belongs to types of snake plants that are suitable for indoors. Its name refers to pale silvery leaves with common-look marbling in the snake plants. The leaves are wider and can turn darker when it grows in the lower-light area. It can grow up to two feet in height inside a building.

The right condition for this plant to grow are by providing medium and indirect light, few amount of watering, and warm temperatures. By growing in this kind of medium, it can present small and white blooms.

5.  Sansevieria cylindrica

Sansevieria cylindrica

This variety gets the name due to its thin and cylindrical leaves. It is known to be a native plant from a tropical region in Southern Africa. That’s why it is also popular with another name, the African spear plant. This hardy and unique plant serves as a great focal point anywhere you place it at home.

There are other varieties of snake plants that also have such kinds of leaves. Although this type enjoys indirect light and warmer temperatures, you must let its soil dry between waterings and protect it from hot sunlight. This optimum condition allows the plant to grow up to six feet in height.

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6.  Sansevieria zeylanica

Sansevieria zeylanica

Sansevieria zeylanica are categorized as types of snake plants that have sword-like leaves. However, the colored marbling on its leaves is a combination of lighter and darker shades of green without any yellow stripe on its edges. That’s why this plant predominates in the famous variegated snake plants.

Also known by another name, Indian bowstring hemp, this plant belongs to the best option of plants to grow indoors. It is due to its ability to survive in shaded environments with indirect light, warm temperature, and less watering. The height of the plants can reach three feet or taller.

7.  Sansevieria masoniana

Sansevieria masoniana

Sansevieria masoniana looks different from most varieties of snake plants due to its big and dappled yellowish leaves. Besides, this variety commonly has one or two leaves, especially when it grows in a pot. The round big size of the leaves also makes this variety often called the whale fin snake plant.

Its unique characteristic makes Sansevieria masoniana a perfect indoor plant. Even it looks good to put above the table. As a slow-growing plant, it can grow up to four feet in good conditions and usually appear smaller indoors. Hence, you need to ensure it receives moderate lighting and avoid too much watering.

8.  Sansevieria patens

Sansevieria patens

Sansevieria patens offer a new look to most types of snake plants. Expected to be the native of Eastern Africa or Kenya, this plant has thick and corrugated leaves that spread and upwardly curved from its central part. This plant looks like a group of living snakes in green color.

This appearance is rather different from its snake plant counterparts which grow thinly upright. The leaves can develop into two inches in thickness and three feet in length. It requires simple and low maintenance like other snake plants without overwatering and survives in environments with indirect light.

However, to grow it indoors, you have to be careful with the temperature. Although it mostly enjoys warm temperatures, you have to ensure that the temperature doesn’t go lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Various types of snake plants can be a friendly option for beginners who want to have houseplants. Not only does it has vibrant and upright leaves that can be a focal point at home, but its easy care also becomes another factor why people like this plant.

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